Klasifikasi Wortel (Daucus Carota L.)

Klasifikasi Wortel (Daucus Carota L.) - Hi, friend Manajemen Rasio, in this article entitled Klasifikasi Wortel (Daucus Carota L.), we have prepared this article well and concise to be easy to understand for you to read and can be taken inside information. hopefully the contents of the post Article Pertanian, that we write this you can understand and useful. okay, happy reading.

Klasifikasi Wortel (Daucus Carota L.)

Klasifikasi Daucus Carota L

1. Kingdom : Plantae

2. Subkingdom : Tracheobionta

3. Divisi : Magnoliophyta

4. Super Divisi : Spermatophyta

5. Kelas : Magnoliopsida

6. Sub Kelas : Rosidae

7. Ordo : Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)

8. Famili : Umbelliferae

9. Genus : Daucus

10. Spesies : Daucus carota L.

Nama Umum Wortel (Daucus carota L.)

Indonesia : Wortel

Inggris : Carrot

Sunda : Boktel

Jawa : Wortol

Madura : Ortel

Deskripsi Wortel (Daucus carota L.)

Batang : Bulat, tidak berkayu, tidak bercabang

Daun : Majemuk berganda

Bentuk Daun : Seperti anak panah, Berbentuk menyerupai payung

Nomor Identifikasi (Kunci Determinasi)


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Thank You and Good article Klasifikasi Wortel (Daucus Carota L.) this time, hopefully can benefit for you all. see you in other article postings.

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